How to use the puzzle composer


What to check while making your puzzles

When you are using the composer, here is what could happen while building your puzzles:


You have a loop when you have some nodes and arrows so that, if you start with a node and follow each arrow from nock to head, you will return to the starting node.

You can never solve a puzzle with a loop. When your puzzle has a loop, the composer will say “There is no solution because there are arrows that loop.

Nodes g, s, m, t and the arrows in red cases form a loop.

SOLUTION: Delete at least one of the arrows in the loop, or delete an arrow and flip its orientation.

Too many repeated numbers

If the composer says “Puzzle has no solutions!“, at least one number repeats too many times on the arrows.

SOLUTION: Find numbers that repeat at least twice, and change some copies to different numbers.

At least two nodes with the same letters

If the composer says “Unable to save! All nodes must have unique names between a and z.“, at least two nodes have the same letter.

SOLUTION: Check each node, and use different letters for the nodes with the same letter.

Number out of range on an arrow

If the composer says “Arrow number must be a value from 0 – 99“, you have entered a number not in the range 0 – 99.

SOLUTION: Use a number in the range 0 – 99.

Too little or too many nodes

If the composer says “Unable to save. You can compose 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20-node puzzles only.“, you have either built a puzzle with less than 10 nodes or more than 20 nodes.

SOLUTION: Count your nodes, and adjust the number of nodes within the range 10 – 20.